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Some words from visitors: "I like brainflip II especially the opening music. The pictures are good as they are difficult to remember. One thing though, the scores don't show the highest in each category.There is no scrollbar on the window and once you have played several games at other levels, say, for matching 7 cards, the scores for 2-6 cards have disappeared. Fix this and your game would be just perfect. : )" //barb "Your games are quite lame. Try something like Psycho Pinball or testdrive2 or how about starcraft?" //edgar "Bluetris 2 is absolutely GORGEOUS. A huge download, but well worth it IMHO :) I've downloaded the extra themes too - cool." //liz "Jag har regelbundit besökt din hemsida sedan jag upptäckte den för något halvår sedan. Jag är imponerad över att spelen håller så hög klass som de gör. Särskilt det senaste "Warlord of Ziaceq" det är kul och snyggt. Så fortsätt det goda jobbet." //bob "macht weider so ,!! hoffe das das Programm Solarsystem noch weider ausgebaut wird.bessere grafik wäre nicht schlecht,aber die idea ansich ist spitze,seit creativ und last euch noch mehr einfallen. aber bis jetzt einfach nur spitze. nice Prog. good !!!!!" //enrico "really coooolll it the besr i've ever seen" //(unknown) "Thanks for the game" //manuel "su pagina web es fabulosa, le saludo" //rafel "Thank you for that. Our Lodge meets on the Wednesday before the full moon. excellent programme" //(unknown) "JUST LIKE TO SAY MATE, GREAT WORK!! ITS NOT OFTEN U GET SOMETHING LIKE THIS FOR FREE, KEEP IT UP, CHEERS" //kev "I think your songs are good, could you make another game" //paul "MoonPhase was exactly what I have been searching for. I'ts layout and operation are elegant and yet simplistic to use." //Michael "I have downloaded and am running 3D Solar System 3.5 and Moonphase Ver 1.2. Both are excellent programs. I have the Moonphase in my Startup list so I always have a calendar on my desk top. I would like to congradulate you and also to thank you for a fine effort." //James "Thank you for this exciting program!! you have done a great service to the science community!!!" //Mike "Very good" //Larry "Great website, great software! Thank you." //Kent "Thank you, Moonphase its very useful by me." //Carlos "Inte mycket att säga mer än: mycket bra, och tack" //Nicolas "snyggt jobbat!!!" //Kjell "Jag hoppas att det här inte låter som för mycket fjäsk men jag har letat länge efter ett bra astronomi program och så hittar jag det här utmärkta skapelsen och den är gratis också :-) Jag tar av mig hatten i salut till er min herre fortsätt i den inriktningen." //Xenomorph "THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OFFERING YOUR FREEWARE TO ALL OF US - YOU HAVE A GREAT SITE!!!" //Marla "Thanks for the free tetris download games, i really enjoy a good game of Tetris every now and again!!" //Ghanie "Just wanted to say I love your moonphase 1.4. It tells me exactly what I want to know. Keep up the good work." //Linda "from venezuela .... thank for the software moonphase" //felipe "thank you, i love to play brain flip, i download on your site" //pauline "Siete bravissimi!!!" //Angelo |
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Copyright © 1997-2021 Henrik 'Tingan' Tingstrom (from Hogsby, Sweden) |